Stony Mountain Child Care Centre Co-op Inc.

Quick Facts
Licensed for 32 Preschool ( 2-4 yrs)
Located at 149 School Road
Play- Based Learning ( see curriculum statement and Policies)

Junior K and Kindergarten Program
Quick Facts
- Licensed for 22 children age 4-6 and who are attending kindergarten
the current school year.
- Children attend kindergarten alternate days and be dropped off and
pick up at school on these days
- On days that kindergarten are not in school, they will be at the centre with
the school age program
- Located 81 School Road
- Play based learning

School Age Program

Quick Facts
- Licensed for 30 children age 6-12 yrs and are attending Stony Mountain School
- We provide care before and after school and full days for all
school breaks and over summer.
- We are located at 81 school Road
- 204-344-5694
- Play based learning